The main reason you should quit your job

Today was a hard day for me at work. I work part-time at a swimming school and I love my job, although it’s stressful and not well paid. I like the people I meet, I have learned a lot and I got new skills. However, after over one year and a half of work, today is the first day I thought about seriously talking to my boss and telling him I am quitting after a couple of months, just enough time for him to find a replacement and train them.

The reason that finally pushed me to consider this option strongly is the lack of appreciation in my workplace. I work hard, and try my best to accomplish my job in the best way, most of the times doing more than I am supposed to do. It is not to show off that I do that, nor to ask for a raise, but I am a person who does the most in everything, whether it is at work or working and interacting with others. And it’s maybe one of my best features, either give it all, or feel guilt for not doing it the best way I can. However, today, after working my butt off to finish a graduation event, putting all details together, shopping for 3 days to get everything prepared, I sent from my own phone all the messages to parents when it is not my role, I called everyone, made all the preparations, to have a coworker who is my senior say that he prepared everything and making me look like I am his secretary. So after fighting with him, I left off, saying out loud “Fuck this shit, I am sick of it”, and as I was putting the key in the ignition, I thought I am sick of this, it’s seriously time to leave.

In a workplace where you are not appreciated, just leave. I am serious, leave and don’t turn back, you don’t need to handle too much shit because you think you should stay loyal. Actually you should handle some for a while, it may be worth it, but when you have spent a while working hard and no one seems to appreciate it with at least a “thank you”, just leave these ungrateful bastards and find another place that has a better environment for you to improve. Never think that if you wish to be appreciated means you are being shallow and that you should suck it up to show yourself, a person who is ok staying low when doing all the work will never go forward, because unless you demand it, you will not get it. That’s how businesses roll.

So unless your work makes you feel like what you are doing is appreciated, after a while, you don’t need to handle it, just leave to a better place.

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