How learning changes your brain

The white matter in your brain is called so due to its higher concentration in myelin, which helps improve performance on a number of tasks. The more people practice a new skill they are learning, the more dense the myelin in their brains becomes, which helps them learn even better. Because the denser the myelin, the faster the information travels!

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Myelin does not conduct itself electrical signals. In fact, the signals sent from the brain to the organs travel by “jumping” on the small part of the axon (aka nerve fiber, a long slender projection of a nerve cell or neuron that conducts electrical impulses away from the neuron’s cell body or soma, towards the targeted end) that is not covered with myelin. Denser myelin = the signal can travel more distance in a shorter time = the signal becomes faster.
The myelin has to be well organised and cover correctly the neurone to allow the signal to travel correctly. Many neurological diseases are caused by myelin covering in an ill manner the neurone, causing disruption in the signal transfer. An example is the Multiple Sclerosis. In MS, the myelin cover disappears in many places, which leaves a scar, called sclerosis. Therefore, plaques or lesions appear, they are areas with a lack or no myelin. Lesions getting worse = broken or damaged nerve fibers, and the electrical impulses from the brain no longer flow correctly to the target nerve, to deliver the message to the targeted organ.

Therefore, to help develop and keep your brain healthy, learning a new skill can help you a lot. Consider investing in an activity that you feel interested in for a healthier life.

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Eucalyptus essential oil for the cold season

You may be using this oil without realizing it.
Over-the-counter vapor or chest rubs used for coughs and chest colds often contain eucalyptus oil or the oil’s active substance, eucalyptol, also named cineole. One example is Vicks vaporub, as it contains around 1.2% of Eucalyptus oil.

The effect of eucalyptol has been studied by various scientists. It was found that it has an antimicrobial effect and that it could help fight off bacteria that can cause the cold.
In addition, eucalyptol potentially can reduce inflammation, relieve pain and ease muscle tension.

Eucalyptus essential oil can be applied in different forms to calm a cough. It can be used within a homemade mixture or an OTC vapor rub and then applied on the chest and throat, or by diluting eucalyptus oil in boiling water and inhaling the steam.

However, for toddlers under the age of 2, you should never apply vapor rubs to their chest, nose, feet, or elsewhere. Aslo make sure to buy a high quality essential oil from a trusted source.

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