Easter eggs decoration with natural ingredients

I hate complicated methods to color eggs, I always used the coloring kits available in stores. But I realized that I may be harming myself by choosing the easy packed way, especially that in Lebanon, I did not find a natural ingredients dye kit yet. This is why I decided to find the best natural methods to color them.

Coloring Easter Eggs with Natural Dye
Although it takes more time than just popping a colors pill or using food coloring, the results are great, the ingredients are majorly cheap, and you have room to get creative and experiment

The coloring ingredients

There are hundreds of ideas out there, my favorite are onions and beetroots for the amazing colors they give. Both ingredients are also very widely used in Lebanon, and were used by families for decades. I retrieved a list of many easy to find color ingredients via Practicallyfunctional.com, shown below. They also included their recommended quantities, but you can add more or less depending on the color intensity you desire. Don’t forget that the original color of your eggs will affect the final result.

You can use many more ingredients, like:
– well brewed camomille tea for light yellow
– strongly brewed hibiscus tea for dark green
– blueberries for a marbled blue
– Hibiscus flowers for reddish blue to lavender
– sunflower petals for pale yellow
– curry powder for pale orange
– paprika for darker orange
– chili powder for red to brown
– cranberry juice for pink to red
– undiluted pomegranate juice for pink
– frozen cherries or raspberries for pink
– simmered orange peels for light yellow
– chopped carrots for red-orange
– Frozen blueberries for grey-blue
– Spinach or parsley for green

You can also mix between different colors and experiment to have more shades and colors.

The coloring methods

You also have either the cold dye method, which is suitable for the lighter colors and to have eggs that last longer, and you can use the hot dye method for richer deeper colors, but with over boiled eggs that last only until Easter is over.


Hot dye method:

Add water, your dye ingredient and white vinegar to a pot and let them boil. The quantity of vinegar recommended is 2 tbsp of vinegar per liter (or quarter in US) of water. In addition add some salt to the mixture to help retain the color. You can also have different color shades if you use baking soda in small quantities, as it affects the acidity of certain ingredients, like cabbage, which affects the resulting color.
Then add eggs, allow them to boil for a few minutes, then reduce the heat to allow the pot’s content to simmer for around 15 minutes. Avoid overcooking the eggs, don’t keep them on heat for more than 30 minutes as they will be overcooked, making them edible for a shorter period.
Remove the pot away from the stove, cover it and and let it rest for an additional 15 minutes or more, depending on the depth of the color you desire.
Remove the eggs, rinse them carefully in lukewarm water, and let them air dry.

Cold dye method:

Add water, your dye ingredient and white vinegar to a pot and let them boil. The quantity of vinegar recommended is 2 tbsp of vinegar per liter (or quarter in US) of water. In addition add some salt to the mixture to help retain the color. You can also have different color shades if you use baking soda in small quantities, as it affects the acidity of certain ingredients, like cabbage, which affects the resulting color.
Simmer the mixture, covered, until the water is well colored. It takes anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours.

Strain the colored water from the remains of your ingredient, let it cool.
Add you hard-boiled eggs to the colored mixture, and let it soak for as long as you see it necessary to reach your desired color. You can even keep them in the fridge overnight.

Decoration ideas

An Easter egg needs some decoration, and by using natural coloring, it is a little tricky. But if you decorate BEFORE coloring, you can end up with really cool eggs.

For patterns, use stickers all over the egg to create patterns, let the egg color, then peel off the stickers, You can also use ropes and tape.

BHG 1-9-1548161 Easter Egg Ideas Photo by Meredith 650x473.jpg
For natural decoration, ciaoflorentina.com recommends that you add a plant on the egg by using some water.


Then firmly enclose the egg in stockings and proceed with the coloring method of your choice.

Once you are done, you will have beautifully decorated eggs.


These are few ideas, there are so many more. If you have tried other methods and they worked, please share them with me as well. I hope you have a great Easter and you enjoy decorating your eggs without worrying about toxic components.

Don’t forget to follow my startup news on Facebook, Instagram and the Website. Kindly consider helping me grow by liking my Facebook page and following my Instagram account so I can reach more people!

#color #egg #decorate #decoration #eggs #easter #natural #coloring #vegetable #plant
#fruit #dye #idea #tip #linventif #lebanon #green #notoxins #clean #red #colour #colours #yellow #blue #brown #pink #orange

Crafts tips (1)

Crafts are really fun, but a lot of resources is wasted. But sometimes, a little care can help you save your tools and keep them in a good state for longer. In this post, I will add some useful tips that helped me out:


  1. Bad scissors: if your scissors are no longer cutting well, they need to be resharpened. Rather than a scissors sharpener that may not be available, use sand paper: cut with the scissors the sand paper and the abrasion of the paper will sharpen them. You can use a small test paper, and keep on cutting in the sand paper until you’re satisfied. The sand paper can be cut into pieces that you can use for other projects.
  2. Spraying: you want to spray but you don’t want to ruin the covers you’re using? Opt for a cardboard box. Put the item to spray inside it, and spray it to your heart’s content!
  3. Sticky cuts: you want to cut duct tape but you don’t want to ruin your scissors? Run some baby wipes on the scissors prior to cutting, and they will not stick as much to the tape.
  4. Tape residues on scissors: if your scissors have tape or glue on them, they’re not ruined. You soak your scissors in lukewarm water for 30 seconds then open and close the scissors to get rid of the glue. Repeat as much as needed. An alcohol wiping can help you get rid of the stubborn residues.
  5. Old tape roll: if you are finding it hard to use an old tape roll, put it in the microwave for 10 seconds (make sure it doesn’t have foil in it) so that its glue will loosen up rather than stick altogether.
  6. Stained paintbrushes: paintbrushes are not that cheap if you work with high quality. To keep them in a good state, wash the bristles and the ferrule (metal tip that holds the bristles) with shampoo or soap, gently rub to keep the bristles unharmed, then rince well with lukewarm water. They need to be stored either horizontally or vertically with the bristles up.

These are few ideas and I will be adding some more soon!

Don’t forget to follow my own early stage startup news on Facebook, Instagram and the Website. Kindly consider helping me grow by liking my Facebook page, so I can reach more people!

#tips #tricks #tools #crafts #ideas #lebanon #linventif #save #maintain #simple #paint #scissors #glue #art #artist #DIY #handmade #hobby 

Do you need a sign? This is it

If you are waiting for a sign to take a step towards a different direction, this is it! We have one life, do not waste it by following goals others set for you. No matter how minuscule your dreams may sound compared to other people’s, they should be enough for you. Each step forward, even if very small, is valuable.

You are a courageous creative independent soul, you were not made to be enslaved by another being. Do not let anyone convince you that you cannot be the change or the inspiration, not even yourself. You have beauty within you, treasures waiting to be discovered, and the first adventurer should be you.


No matter in what part of life you are, don’t give up. You know what is great about hitting rock bottom? The only way to go is up. But YOU decide if you wish to remain on the bottom or you want to climb up. No one can make the decision for you, even the people who love you the most cannot do it for you, but they can support you and guide you. Do not fear asking for help, it is not a sign of weakness, it is strength to know that you don’t own all the knowledge of the world.

You can be an inventor, innovation has no gender, race or age, you can be an explorer, a pioneer, an artist. You can be all of them, if you just let them show.

You can start creating your path any day. Choose today.


#Saturday #inspiration #idea #thought #encouragement #sign #build #courage #amazing #you #hope #faith #today

Check out how this artistic company can make events colorful and unforgettable!

You have an event and you want to make it unforgettable? Think of including handmade origami to decorate instead of the same old flower arrangements or overused printed frames.

Passigami offers you beautiful creations from paper, colorful, happy, customized, and the best part is that you can keep that bridal bouquet over the years, and it will remain in mint condition! And it doesn’t just stop at flowers, they can make butterflies and many other shapes to suit any type of happy celebration.


Initially launched in Lebanon, the success of Passigami led it to open in Dubai as well.
Encourage fellow Lebanese creators, make your events extra special and keep a token from your special days with Passigami.
You can check their amazing creations on their page on facebook Passigami – Paper Art and you can call them on +961 76 355 801 if you reside in Lebanon or on +971 521463440 if you reside in Dubai. From the numerous positive reviews of their customers, satisfaction is guaranteed!
Don’t forget to follow my own early stage startup news on Facebook, Instagram and the Website


#passigami #paper #art #lebanon #dubai #origami #event #decoration #wedding
#birth #birthday #engagement #artistic #linventif #lebanese #artist
(The photos are credited to Passigami solely)

How to replace an old zipper


You may have a few clothes laying around, waiting for the tailor to fix their zips. If you can’t find a good tailor or you don’t have the time to drop them to one, you can mend them yourself. But make sure that you are comfortable with the basic sewing skills. This project doesn’t require a very high level of sewing knowledge, but it requires some time, patience and attention.

With the following few steps, you can change your old zipper:

cf5d2d4f3bdf89703411399bb5d2208a--fix-a-zipper-zipper-repair1) Choose a zipper of the same color and length of the old zipper. If you end up with a longer zipper, you can cut it from the lower part using sturdy scissors, then close its ends using a plier to hold firmly the prongs (the metal part used to close the zipper). You can sew the lower part really firmly if you don’t have prongs (check the photo). Make sure that when you cut the zipper to shorten it, the zipper is closed.

2) Remove the old zipper, but still make sure that you know where it was sewn, so that the new zipper will work correctly. Note anything you notice, even the pattern, so you can sew the zipper the same way. Use a seam ripper (the item similar to a 2 toothed fork in sewing kits) to cut the stitches holding the zipper in place. Pull gently the zipper upon cutting the stitches while holding firmly your clothe item.

3) Clean the spot from any remaining stitches or threads.

4) Position the new zipper, using needles to hold it into place. make sure that the zipper and the fabric are well stretched. Use the old zipper’s sewing linings to mark where you will be sewing.

5) Sew the new zipper into its place using a sewing machine threaded by the colored thread of your choice, preferably the same color used for the old zipper. You can sew it by hand but it will take more time and you need to be careful with the distance between each two stitches. You can use the small holes of the old zipper’s sewing as reference, putting the needle in the small holes marked by the old sewing work.

And voila! Your clothes are now as good as new!

Don’t forget to follow my own early stage startup news on Facebook, Instagram and the Website

#sewing #tip #trick #zipper #zip #handmade #diy #lebanon #linventif #mend#dontthrow
#waste #reduction #doityourself #fashion #clothes

This content is based on wikiHow‘s tips and tricks. You can find illustrations to help you by following the link https://www.wikihow.com/Replace-a-Zipper

How to use a wood chisel (English and Arabic)

The following easy steps can be followed for a clean wood chisel use:

1) Place the chisel at least 12 mm inside the cut line with the bevel (angle of work in carpentry) vertical, then strike the tool firmly with a mallet (hammer with a soft rubber tip) or a normal hammer if your chisel has a metal tip
2) Remove the wood chip by holding the chisel with the bevel facing down. Then take scooping cuts toward the vertical cut you just made
3) Finish the cut by paring down (trimming off) vertically to the line, the chisel held like a dagger,

Don’t do it all at once by removing a big wood chunk. Instead, repeat the steps from to 3 with thin cuts. The end result will be cleaner and you will find it easier to follow the lines this way.

طريقة استخدام إزميل الخشب
يمكن اتباع الخطوات السهلة التالية لاستخدام إزميل الخشب:
1) ضع الإزميل على الأقل 12 مم داخل خط القطع عموديًا ، ثم قم بضرب الأداة بقوة بمطرقة ذات طرف مطاطي ناعم أو مطرقة معدنية عادية إذا كان إزميلك يحتوي على طرف معدني
2) إزالة رقاقة الخشب من خلال لوي الإزميل نحو الأسفل و الضرب على المطرقة على مراحل للتخلص من رقاقات الخشب.
3) إنهاء القطع عبر تقليم الخشب في خط عمودي. نضعالإزميل عموديا مثل خنجر و نضربه بالمطرقة للتخلص من الخشب.
من المفضل ألا تقوم بإزالة قطعة خشب كبيرة. بدلا من ذلك ، كرر الخطوات من1 إلى 3, مزيلا على مراحل الخشب بشكل قشر رقيق. ستكون النتيجة النهائية أنظف وستجد أنه أسهل متابعة السطورالتي حددتها بهذه الطريقة.
#Tip #wood #carpentry #chisel #handywork #crafts #lebanon #linventif #procedure #work #handy #work #carpenter
(يعتمد المحتوى على النصائح المقدمة من popularmechanics.com)

#tip #wood #carpentry #chisel #handywork #crafts #lebanon #linventif#procedure
#work #handy #work #carpenter

Don’t forget to follow my own early stage startup news on Facebook, Instagram and the Website

(The content is based on tips offered by popularmechanics.com)

A successful mom business: Da3douka

Since L’Inventif wishes to participate in small and medium Lebanese businesses’ growth as well by including them as priority suppliers in its business plan, we are also sharing about various Lebanese SME that are in the crafts business to show support to fellow entrepreneurs.

I learned about a young startup that was founded by a Lebanese mother from the South of Lebanon, the startup is called Da3douka. This widowed wife and mother of three young people has been working for 2 years on a homemade easy to clean non-toxic play dough for children.
She makes them with her own children at home and sells them at competitive prices. In addition, she organizes events for children and mothers to enjoy themselves with play dough creations.

Instead of buying the toxic industrialized products, it would be a great step to support a family and a small business.

You can check their products on their facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Da3douka/ and call them to learn more about their products and how to get them.

If such products are not available in your country, you can always make your own safe dough using online tutorials, which often use safe products such as salt, food colorants, soap and similar items found in almost every home.

#Lebanese #startup #playdough #nontoxic #linventif #lebanon #sme#support #craft #smallbusiness

Don’t forget to follow my own early stage startup news on Facebook, Instagram and the Website

Should you buy a sewing machine?

When you think of buying a sewing machine, a few points need to be considered before making the purchase.

1) Why do you need it?
Do you want to use it for clothes alteration, or to make personal crafts? Do you want it for personal styling? For embroidery? Is it just a passive hobby or is it for a serious interest/goal? It is advised to get a few classes to see if you are genuinely interested in this activity before you invest your money in it and to learn the right way to use it. Or you might end up with a machine that only gathers dust.

2) How often will you use it?
Will you use it at least once a week, or will it sit in its case for months at a time? Are you willing to give sewing a part of your free time? You need to practice in order to get better, so unless you are completely convinced and invested, the sewing machine will just be a shiny equipment that’s more of a decoration than of use.

3) What are the alternatives?
Whatever your project it, does it really need a machine or can you make it without one? Can a tailor do the same job? Will you use it efficiently or do you lack the skills? Again, consider taking classes so you know how to use a machine efficiently. You can also encourage your local tailors by using their services, which can also save you time.

4) Does buying it help you save, or is it a bad investment?
If you need it for small occasional alterations, do you really need one? Bear in mind that a good sewing machine will cost 150$ and up, depending on the number of stitches it can make, the accessories, the brand, the quality of the body and the system of sewing itself, etc. Meanwhile, fixing a zip or changing sizes can cost you 10$ and it is done by a local professional. So unless you are thinking long term investment of time, skills, and money, you can save your money for an equipment that is closer to your interests.

If you truly want to buy a sewing machine, we will post soon on what to consider when investing in one.

#craft #tip #shop #sewing #sew #machine #buy #linventif #lebanon #clothes#hobby #save #money #time #invest #advice

Don’t forget to follow my own early stage startup news on Facebook, Instagram and the Website