A successful mom business: Da3douka

Since L’Inventif wishes to participate in small and medium Lebanese businesses’ growth as well by including them as priority suppliers in its business plan, we are also sharing about various Lebanese SME that are in the crafts business to show support to fellow entrepreneurs.

I learned about a young startup that was founded by a Lebanese mother from the South of Lebanon, the startup is called Da3douka. This widowed wife and mother of three young people has been working for 2 years on a homemade easy to clean non-toxic play dough for children.
She makes them with her own children at home and sells them at competitive prices. In addition, she organizes events for children and mothers to enjoy themselves with play dough creations.

Instead of buying the toxic industrialized products, it would be a great step to support a family and a small business.

You can check their products on their facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Da3douka/ and call them to learn more about their products and how to get them.

If such products are not available in your country, you can always make your own safe dough using online tutorials, which often use safe products such as salt, food colorants, soap and similar items found in almost every home.

#Lebanese #startup #playdough #nontoxic #linventif #lebanon #sme#support #craft #smallbusiness

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No need for paper or plastic, use a biscuit!

As we are developing L’Inventif’s concept, one of the most important aspects we want to work on is how to lower our carbon footprint by reducing our waste. Creating a learning center means many people will pass by and we need to offer them food and drinks. But most importantly the magic beverage: coffee. That means we need to find an alternative to plastic cups that would be able to serve a large number of people.

The answer is given by Ordini Trading, a Lebanese company that provides biscuits. This recently launched company introduced its products to the Lebanese market, including a biscuit cup, called biscup. Biscup is made of the same dough as the ice cream cones, it a biscuit shaped like a cup and reinforced from the inside with chocolate to prevent the liquids from crumbling the biscuit. No need to dip biscuits into your coffee when you can take a sip and a bite.

The product is great to use whether at work, at hope or while having an outdoor adventure. You can eat the biscuit or safely dispose of it without feeling guilty, as it composts naturally without any harmful residues. But as Ordini’s slogan says: Why throw it when you can enjoy it! In addition to this product, the company also provides biscuits for desserts and ice cream.

If you are interested in purchasing the product, contact Ordini Trading on 71 187 556 and get informed of their distributors and purchase points. As for international readers, make sure to check if similar products are available. If not, reusable cups (stainless, ceramic or thick glass) are always a good idea, and you would be saving money on the long run!

Living in a greener way is possible with such products, you just need the will to find them!

#LInventif #Lebanon #green #life #living #lifestyle #ecology #environment #low
#carbon #footprint #new #product #creativity #solution #biodegradable #safe
#waste #coffee #biscuit #dessert #food #chocolate

Don’t forget to follow my own early stage startup news on Facebook, Instagram and the Website

Even if you are one person, you can make a difference

Don’t forget to encourage small businesses and self-employed craftsmen, they need your support much more than corporations, and although you may think it’ll be more expensive for you, they will most probably do a much better job than employees who need to respect very strict time limits per customer.

A special  request from Lebanese: if your vehicle has any mechanical issues or you need a vehicle check up, please don’t forget the small business owners, they need our support more than the big companies, and they have enormous skills to offer in return.

M’aallim Paul Halabi’s situation has slightly improved since the NewTV report aired a few months ago, but he still needs our support to gather his family under one roof. He had lived for months with his son in a car because he was unable to gather the rent for his house, and he was having a lot of trouble finding enough customers to live well. To make things worse, the people he loaned money were not paying him back a penny.
I was not able to get his phone number yet. You can call his neighbor Wissam Francis on +961 3 771 653 and he give you the directions to reach m’aalim Paul’s garage in Nabaa.

Please share the information about this good man so he can get more clients.

If you have missed the report, please watch it on https://www.facebook.com/lebanoncorruption/videos/479664759209678/?t=0

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The best solutions are sometimes the simplest ideas!

In a century where everything is extremely high tech, a Lebanese engineer found a simple solution to a very common problem.

Haytham Dbouk has created a solution of the overheating problem of solar water heaters that won the Hult Prize national competition in 2018, and he created the start-up Innovating Green Technology – IGT. His solution? Pro-Shield. Simply put, it is a shield for the solar heater that covers the solar panel in order to prevent it from reaching high temperatures during sunny days.

According to Dbouk, offering this protection to your solar water heater can double its lifespan, increase the water saving by 30% and increase the efficiency of your system by 40%.

What is even better is that his product is manufactured in Lebanon, offering job opportunities, and adding value to the talented industrial community of Lebanon. If you love Lebanon, don’t forget to encourage the Lebanese industry, especially the young talents.

You can find out all about IGT on their facebook page and you can follow them on Instagram. You can also check their website: IGTLB.com
With Pro-Shield, you save water, save energy, save money, and encourage Lebanese products all at once!

#Lebanon #lebanese #industry #green #simple #tech #technology#overheating
#solution #LInventif #startup #news #sunday


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