Personal experience in job interviews

2015 is now here and I am back to my job searching, especially that with the new year, almost all companies have vacancies, as most employees get a promotion or leave the company by the end of the previous year. Since I’ve been searching for a while for a job and making job interviews, I have my share of experience in this area. So for newbies in this domain, or maybe future job seekers, I will be giving a couple of tips I learned along the way.

I live in Lebanon, but I believe that what I learned could apply to most companies worldwide. And the first thing I learned is DO NOT FREAK OUT! Yes you try but you can’t help it, but freaking out will not help you at all. The recruiters can be mean and annoying, but if you show them that you are scared, mad or freaked out, they will become even more!
In order to avoid being freaked out, always do a small research before going. Which takes me to tip number 2: a job interview is like a small exam, you study, you can make it! You know the position you are applying for, you know the field the company is involved in, you can search it easily. I always did a small research about the industry or the company I would be applying at, and it always helped me to feel relaxed and at ease. I search for the tasks my job could involved, the most usual techniques used, the essential know-how I would need to start comfortably.
The third thing is related to clothes. Do not overdo it! Not too much makeup, no extra accessories, no need for very high heels, it’s not a very good impression for you ladies to fall head first as you walk in or out of an interview. I went to all of the interviews wearing colorful outfits, dresses, or colorful shirts, an outfit stylish but not too formal, decent, no revealng cleavage, nothing very revealing. I am a young fresh graduate, I woudn’t want the employer to let this detail out, as I am the new blood for their workplace, the energy that will help the company go further towards the better. For the outfits, if you are young, show it, without being vulgar or trashy, and also without having dark outfits. Unless you are a lawyer, I wouldn’t say that wearing what suits your age is wrong. Same for shoes. You wear flat shoes or short heels, and be able to walk around, and it’s better than feeling uncomfortable. After all, if you feel comfortable, you are able to perform better at the interview, without worrying if your tie is crooked or if your fake lashes are falling.
The fourth and final thing I wish to talk about is the way you talk and act. Don’t be too rigid, avoid crossing hands or clunching your fist, it shows that you are worried and anxious. Talk enough, talk calmly, on a normal rythm, not too fast not too slow. It’s a normal conversation. Show that you know what you are applying for. Prepare for the very common questions asked in interviews, such as: where do you see yourself in 1, 5, or 10 years? What is your ambition? Why are you applying to our company? What makes you the most suitable candidate for this position? What can you give for our company? What do you consider to be your major strength/weakness points? And I would advise you not to sound desperate, not at all, you should show that although you need a job, you want the best conditions, you are giving them qualities worth the salary they are giving you, and you deserve even more. However, don’t make your interviewer feel threatened by you, be also modest, as they will see in you a great candidate, but not enough to threaten them. Trust me, it can happen.

These are the most important tips that came to my mind, I hope they will be useful to you when you apply for a job. If you need any supplementary information, feel free to contact me. I wish you all good luck! May the stars be with you 😉