What if your first step fails?

I am working on a new start-up and I decided to introduce it through an event to also raise money to fund it. It’s been almost a month, I have 17 days to go, yet zero tickets were sold. I am in a circle where I am not sure if I will succeed in making it work, or I will fail in my first event.

Despite reading that small events like mine sell tickets within the last 10 days, this feeling of anxiousness is too overwhelming. It is not the fear of failing in one event that worries me, but rather knowing that I was not able to pull off a small step, so what about bigger steps? Will I be able to pull of managing a start-up and make it successful? Will I be able to reach clients and sell them my services, or will I fail and go back to being an ordinary employee? Am I capable of pulling it alone? What will happen if I start and cannot make it?

I believe these thoughts come across any self-employed and entrepreneur’s mind. Yet so many doubt themselves, that they fail to accommodate, make changes, or take daring steps. I have been told that the scarier I am, the better. It is not because feeling scared is good, but because it means I am truly invested in my project, that even a small failure is not an option for me. This is a sign of faithfulness to my values and ideas.

It has not been easy for me so far, especially that I lack financial funds and the right network. But in case I fail, it would help me get rid of all the “what if”s that would have traveled my mind if I didn’t dare to take a step. I would have the pride to say “At least I tried, and it was a beautiful adventure”.

Have you been in the same situation? Do you have any advice?